Basel II and III, ERM and ICAAP
This workshop is designed to explain to delegates in practical terms, the impact of Basel II and its successor, Basel III in the risk management function.
This is a Basic to Advanced Course.
Back Office Staff
Audit staff
Company Secretaries
Complaince Teams
Credit, Legal and Senior Dealers
Introduction and overview
Introduction | Overview | Course material
Introduction and risk appetite
Basel agreements, progress and a simplified balance sheet
Basel III - CRD IV
Overview of IFRS9
Dunbar case study
Three versions of capital
Capital Adequacy Ratio and risk weighted assets
The three pillar approach
ICAAP supervisory framework
Basel III identified weaknesses
Basel accords overview
Capital Adequacy Ratio
Leverage Ratio
Basel III capital ratios
Common equity tier 1 and 2 capital
Summary of equity tier 1 and 2 capital
Liquidity under Basel III
How does Basel impact banks (a practical example)
How does Basel impact banks (other impacts)
Dunbar Bank balance sheet and exercise
Dunbar Bank exercise solution
Who you will learn with