Deep Dive Derivatives
This course aims to provide a thorough understanding of the various concepts and pricing principals that underscores the use and application of derivatives.
Money Market and Interest Rate Sales
Interest Rate Derivatives Traders
Institutional Fixed Income Asset Managers
Structured Product Sales Teams
Corporate and Investment Banking Staff
Legal and Compliance Teams
Senior Dealers
Introduction | Overview | Course material
How do derivatives benefit the global economy?
Who uses derivatives and why?
Introduction to Interest Rates
Simple Interest
Compound Interest
Present and future values
Discount factor
Yield, implied yield and discount calculations
Bootstrapping - introduction and bond basics
Bootstrapping - defining a Par Bond
Bootstrapping - Problems with YTM
Bootstrapping - Calculating the Zero Curve
Implied Forward Rates
Pricing a T-Bill on a Discount Basis
Pricing a T-Bill on a Yield Basis
Pricing a Certificate of deposit
MTM of a Certificate of deposit (Including Capital gain / loss)
Basic Repo vs Sell and Buy Back Repo
Haircuts - Fixed Nominal and Fixed Amount Basis
Margin Calculations (Cash Driven and Security Driven Repo)
Close and Reprice Calculations (Sell & Buy Back Repos)
Creating and Pricing an FEC
Outrights, Fully Optional and Partially Optional Forwards and Pricing thereof
Spot Start Swaps
Inside Spot Swaps
Forward Forward Swaps
Historical Rate Rollover, Extending and Early Drawdown via a Swap
MTM of a Spot transaction at T+1
Pricing a FWD FWD Loan or Deposit
Forward Rate Agreement (FRA), Pricing, Valuation and Settlement value
An Interest Rate Swap
Pricing an Interest Rate Swap
MTM / Valuation of a Swap
Synthetic Bonds (via Swaps and FRNs)
Synthetic FX Forwards (via Call and Put options)
Synthetic interest rate FRA's of currency A (via FX Fwd-Fwd and interest rate FRAs of currency B)
Synthetic Repo & Reverse Repo (via spot bonds and futures)
Cash and Carry Arbitrage
Covered Interest Rate Arbitrage
Post Assessment
Who you will learn with